Born in 1992 & 1994 in Melitopol, Ukraine

Lives and work in Kyiv, Ukraine &
Vienna, Austria

SOC.I.A, brothers Igor and Arthur Spaskyi, are arguably a contemporary artist duo, even though they prefer to be less rudimentarily labeled.

The brothers focus on identifying the balance between spray culture, brush technique and other experimental tools depending on sound and music, and its representation in the gallery or street space, whilst also placing focus on their photography, staging and image. In their musical-performative videos they execute the process of materialising sound and subsequently bringing it to a graphic form. In this practice, SOC.I.A serve as conductors of musical and sound waves, turning off consciousness, they feel complete freedom and pleasure in a timely manner, which employs a meditative state and process.

The balance of dance patterns in conjunction with specially selected or composed music transforms itself on the surface of the paintings through reactive emotions and movements.

old sessions house. LDN

old sessions house. LDN

old sessions house. LDN