Art Therapy center development

Art Therapy center development

Objective: Establish an art therapy centre in Kyiv to support individuals suffering from PTSD and trauma, including veterans and children.

Details: In partnership with Eleos-Ukraine


Promoting ukrainian culture through art

Promoting ukrainian culture through art

Objective: Raise global awareness of Ukrainian culture and its current challenges.

Details: Funding will be allocated to commission murals by artists in the US, Europe, and worldwide, spotlighting Ukraine's culture and the struggles of its people.

Impact: Enhance international understanding and solidarity through visual storytelling.


Support for the national arts museum of Ukraine (NAMU)

Objective: Contribute to the restoration of NAMU, ensuring the preservation of Ukrainian heritage.

Details: Financial aid for critical repairs due to damage and funding redirection towards the war effort will be provided.

Details: Financial aid for critical repairs due to damage and funding redirection towards the

war effort will be provided.


Education partnership: MBA in business of art

Education partnership:

MBA in business of art

Objective: Foster professional growth among artists through advanced education.

Details: A partnership with the Orchestra of the Americas to offer two MBA scholarships in Arts Innovation, focusing on social entrepreneurship, cultural management, sustainable impact, and community development.

Program: 12-month MBA for a dynamic global cohort of 60 creative sector professionals.