Olena Ryzhykh

Olena Ryzhykh

Olena Ryzhykh

Born in 1965 in Kyiv, Ukraine

Live and works in Kyiv, Ukraine

Olena Ryzhykh is a contemporary artist, renown for her abstract and figurative painting, she is also known for creating installations and kinetic art objects.

Ryzhykh’s multilayered work showcases many variations in technique and subject. The thick applyication of paint in ‘Medieval Square’ compared to her frugal, hastier brush application in ‘Mediterranean Date’ shows the versatility of Ryzhykh.

Using mainly oil paint for her work, she does branch out to mix mediums, creating a texture to the painting, like seen in ‘Two Trees Above the Lake’.

old sessions house. LDN

old sessions house. LDN

old sessions house. LDN