Love Curly

Love Curly

Born in 1984 in Ukraine

Lives and works in Hamburg, Germany

Love Curly is a Ukrainian artist, print maker and set designer. After graduating from the National Academy of Conservation and Resort Construction, studying a BA in Architecture in 2006, she continued her exploration of herself as an artist in Kyiv where she lived and worked.

Love Curly’s work over this past decade has been inspired by eroticism, beauty and the emotional and sensual impact of shapes and colours, with media ranging from digital, to painting, to installation. The pandemic has had a truly transformative effect on her practice, as she would increase the amount she drew by hand, which allowed her to find a new level of freedom in self-expression and a new vector, a sexual act and meditative process for healing and coping with pain. Her more graphic based work transforms everyday imagery (advertising, branding, explicit sexuality) by exposing the dark side behind the flat, bold colours.

Her illustrations are surreal, with a strange hint of voyeurism, but they are also instantly appealing through her choice of colour palette.

old sessions house. LDN

old sessions house. LDN

old sessions house. LDN