


Born in 1994 in Lviv, Ukraine

Lives and works in Vienna, Austria

After studying fine art in book and print-making, then graphic design, Dzvinya began the molding of her expressive painting career, creating works which are composed through her great interest in mental health, human interaction and emotions. Taking inspiration from the inside, she conveys her feelings and emotions based on everyday moments and large existential and political issues.

Manifesting and representing life, she portrays these narratives and scenes in a sarcastic manner by using a vivid colour palette colour, subsequently creating a presence of ambiguity. By depicting violence and anger in a comical and colourful way, she robs cruelty of its power, taking back the narrative, which enables her to show the impact of society in a fashion that she chooses; good or bad.

Dzvinya’s contrast play, with dark and bright colours, continually highlights the importance of seeing the light during dark days.

old sessions house. LDN

old sessions house. LDN

old sessions house. LDN